Memberships at The Lumber Yard
Individual Memberships:
Cage Time is included in memberships
Discounts on Training, Classes, Camps, and More
Discounts on Merchandise and Apparel
Monthly - $80
Yearly - $600
*Monthly memberships require a 3-month commitment. Yearly memberships begin in August and end in July.
Team Memberships:
Scheduled Time slots in cages
Potential to include Velo Classes, Workout Programs, Camps and More
Contact the Lumber Yard for Team Membership Rates. (Monthly, Quarterly and Yearly available)
Check out our upcoming Training & Class schedule and contact us today! New camps and trainings are being added daily.
Follow along on Facebook and Twitter for updates and details.
To sign up for a class, simply email or call The Lumber Yard at:
Email -
Phone - 812-725-0090